USGS NLRSEORA Grant Objectives
- Conduct nationwide remote sensing and Earth observation (RS/EO) data and information requirement gathering activities. Requirement gathering activities will occur at all levels (local, regional, and national), in all relevant industry and commercial areas, and within the academic and research spaces. These activities will define key RS/EO priorities, use cases, novel applications and approaches, educational needs, and a continuing assessment of how value-added products and applications are supporting a wide variety of user communities.
- Establish strategic partnerships that encompass all communities that may benefit from the use of RS/EO data, information, and applications. Strategic partnerships should focus on reciprocal benefits to and from the NLRSEORA grant by identifying key priorities, use cases, needs, and opportunities. Partnerships should be developed at all levels, but a focus on state and local partnerships to support the use of RS and EO in order to address local, state, or regional problems is strongly encouraged. Partnerships should be used to develop and deploy remote sensing applications, data, approaches, and educational resources to support university research teams; K-18 educational needs; federal agencies; Tribal, state, and local government, traditionally underserved communities, NGOs, and industrial/commercial enterprises.
- Promote projects and activities that enhance undergraduate and graduate education and research opportunities in RS/EO. These projects should tie to the development of strategic partnerships at the local, state, regional, or national levels. Projects should help facilitate overall numbers and visibility of students graduating with critical RS/EO skills. Well-trained students help foster a skilled, well-trained, and technologically advanced workforce of the future.
- Develop materials and conduct outreach activities that address educational and training needs within the RS/EO environments. These materials could include the development of curricula; dual-enrollment courses; community education programs; workshops; meetings and seminars (in-person and virtual); videos; online and massive open online courses (MOOCs); or other RS/EO learning resources as identified. Further, these materials could support, but are not limited to, K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students; workforce professionals; local, state, and federal employees; commercial and industrial workers; resource managers; formal and informal learning groups; Native and underserved populations; and veterans.
- Support and further the U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Priorities as they relate to RS/EO and the DOI/USGS National Land Imaging (NLI) program. AmericaView and its members should focus on the following:
- Strengthening relationships and supporting the educational, outreach, workforce development, and technology transfer needs of Tribal Nations;
- Support the DOI efforts, through RS/EO activities, to conserve at least 30% of lands and waters by the year 2030;
- Help identify steps to accelerate responsible development of renewable energy on public lands and waters;
- Support national initiatives on natural capital accounting and nature-based solutions; and,
- Focus on equity and environmental justice.